When it comes to hormones testosterone is a major component to overall health and well-being for males. Testosterone levels are critical to male health and here’s why.
Low testosterone in males leads to:
· Low energy
· Decreased muscle mass
· Decreased sex drive
· Increased risk of erectile dysfunction
· Fatigue
· Loss of hair
· Obesity
· Symptoms of anxiety and depression
Not producing enough testosterone in the male body may also lead to increased risk of:
· All-cause mortality
· Cardiovascular disease
· Coronary artery disease
· Type 2 diabetes
· Dementia
· Alzheimer’s disease
So as you can see there is absolutely no upside to having low testosterone levels. The reality is that testosterone levels having been dropping in males for a few decades.
The reason: Lifestyle choices.
A lack of sleep, no sunlight, no movement/exercise, increased stress and poor diets are major contributors to this. So how can we fix this? The following post will provide you with 10 key ways to naturally increase your testosterone levels.
1. Reduce sugar intake
A diet high in processed carbohydrates and sugar will lead to increased insulin sensitivity, impaired glucose tolerance and increased cortisol levels. Carbohydrates should still be consumed in the diet however, they should either be complex carbohydrates or carbohydrates with little to no sugar (fruit is the exception). Sources include whole grains, vegetables, potatoes and rice.
2. Reduce or stop drinking alcohol
Alcohol is a big reason why testosterone levels are low in many males. In large doses it can suppress the levels of testosterone immensely. The main culprit is beer, hops gives beer it's flavour and a chemical found in hops is called phytoestrogen. This chemical increases estrogenic effects while decreasing testosterone levels.
3. Increase healthy fat intake
Increasing your good fats will help increase your testosterone levels. Good fats are polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats along with omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. Foods such as fish, eggs, chicken thighs, almonds, walnuts, coconut oil and olive oil all have healthy fats.
4. Lift weights
This will help increase muscle mass and decrease fat mass ultimately improving body composition. Being overweight or obese puts you more at risk of metabolic diseases and low testosterone. Prioritise compound movements (multi-joint) such as squats, lunges, deadlifts and rows.
5. Move more
Increasing energy expenditure is a good way to improve body composition and movement will help with that. By increasing how much you move you burn more energy and this can include simple tasks such as scheduling in a 30 minute walk.
6. Perform HIIT training
High Intensity Interval Training is a good way to improve cardiovascular fitness, is time-efficient and will help you get leaner. This can take many different forms. Research and experiment with yourself to see what works for you.
7. Get some sunlight
Vitamin D is synthesised from sunlight and increased vitamin D levels = increased testosterone levels.
8. Get deep sleep
Getting a good night’s sleep is a good way to naturally increase testosterone levels. To improve your sleep change your pre-bed habits such as limiting screen time, sleep in a pitch black room or aim to go to sleep the same time every night. This will put you in a consistent sleeping routine.
9. Don’t smoke cigarettes
Cigarettes reduces the amount of blood flow that can be circulated around your body and may cause issues such as erectile dysfunction. They are also a major contributor to other diseases such as pneumonia, emphysema and lung cancer.
10. Take vitamin and mineral supplements
The most important vitamins and minerals for testosterone production include vitamin A, vitamin D, B-vitamins, vitamin K, zinc, magnesium and selenium. A good diet will likely cover all bases however, if you do find yourself deficient in one vitamin or mineral it might be a good idea to use supplements.